All the designs posted on the present webpage were made by means of the design programme TrimbleSketchup.
For the particular needs of these designs (human models, cars and other objects) readily available models from Sketchup Warehouse were used, while for the graphics and textures, photographs from the internet were used.
For the processing of the designs, the programmes Thea Render, Kerkythea, VRay και Photoshop, iMovie και iPhoto were used.
The concept of the project and the content of each page enshrined legally. It is prohibited to reproduce or republish this project, either in parts or in its entirety, in whatever form, or its adaptation and exploitation, without the prior written consent of its creator and copyright owner, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2121/1993 and those of the International Bern/Paris Convention, which was validated with Law 100/1975.